
With Bands Like Theirs...

It's no secret I love No Age. Nouns is probably going to be the best album of 2008... if not the decade. I just put it on and I'm two songs in, wondering, when there's good music how the fuck can you care about anything else. Say you invest an amazing amount of time or love or care or yourself into something (or maybe all of those things into something at once)... the return is never going to be as rewarding as your favorite record. Your favorite record remains consistent. It says the same things all the time. It's there for you when you need it. It doesn't call you back because it doesn't have the ability to. A wonderful excuse if I've ever heard one. It doesn't matter that it can't call you anyway because when you pull it off the shelf and put it on or cue it up on iTunes, it's always happy to hear from you. It proceeds to be all these things when the first notes come through the speakers... consistent, eliciting good feelings. It doesn't matter that you and I haven't talked about anything of substance since Friday night. I don't know why that is. I don't know if I'm in the wrong. I don't know if any of this is happening for a legitimate reason. But all that uncertainty disappeared five minutes ago when that drawn out "thuuuunk-cluuuuunk" turns into four tom-hits on Dean Spunt's drum kit. "I feel a common breeze..." Thanks Dean, the rest is history.

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