
Forget Who We IzZzZz

I guess I'm not that much better than them, but if a bunch of Johnny-come-lately's crash this ticket on-sale and ruin the week leading up to, day of, and week following July 24 for me, I'm going to be pissed. I mean, I was five when they broke up but I have had an understanding of this band's importance since eighth grade. Matt Pannell put, of all songs, "Hey Ma, Do I Hafta Choke on These?" on a mix for me (the mix also included everything from the Anniversary to Shai Hulud to Reggie and the Full Effect.) Judging by these kids' absolute hatred of Joan of Arc and anything Kinsella-related that may not have an obvious hook/total emoshunul resonance, I doubt many of them have sat through "Hey Ma."  But it turned me on, mostly because it, along with Joan of Arc's So Much for Staying Alive and Lovelessness made me feel sophisticated and was a nice break from the glass-shattering, notebook-scribbling intensity of Saetia. That summer, I woke up around noon every day to the aimless open-chord bashing of "Basil's Kite." Back then, there was lots of mystery and I couldn't watch Cap'n Jazz play the Daily Grind on YouTube or connect with fans of Midwestern emo. I didn't even really know there was a Midwest "sound," but now you and all your buds can replicate that scene every Friday night at Philly's newest warehouse parties/basement shows thanks to a bunch of undergrads who chose fascinating names like "Snowing," and "Bearings"to silkscreen onto the covers of their demo 7". So I don't even know why I should be worried, maybe Philly will have had enough mathy emo stuff by the time July rolls around and... well nevermind, that's just not going to happen at this rate.

EDIT: And if Jade Tree folds because they really had to take a chance on these kids buying the Analphabetapolothology reissue and folks remain satisfied with their Soulseek downloads or whatever... sorry for the haterade.

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