
Tuesday Evening

Yesterday afternoon, around 4 o'clock:
I'm at the mall and people are screaming. It's the holiday season , but the screaming isn't the sound of consumers being trampled underfoot; the Jonas Brothers are here. You know them, kind of. You should at least know their name, but even if you don't, you know them. They're Hanson for those born after 1994. It's not really clear to me how exactly the Jonas Brothers became so famous. The brothers Nick, Joe and John, 15, 18 and 20, shopped their music around, put out a record (It's About Time, it's actually kinda fun,) ended up in a few commercials and eventually appeared in Zoey 101 and on the Disney Channel. So, like anything that winds up on either Nick or Disney these days, the kids ate it the fuck up (see: Drake Bell, Miley Cyrus [who the Jonases have the pleasure of touring with,] High School Musical et. al.)

So there are probably 1,000+ people, mainly girls between the ages of 10 and 17 and a smattering of parents, boyfriends and older brothers (like myself) packed before J.C. Penney, waiting for this cute little bundle of fame. It's fun. The Jonas Brothers are certainly using our after school homework-and-telly time liberally. They were set to come on at three, it's now sometime around four. They finally come out and the crowd erupts, screaming to rival that of the Hanson (more parallels) show I attended a few years before, with the same girls Mimi and Kelly G. They play and the sound sucks (wtf are they using for a PA?) girls are speaking in tongues and I cannot resist singing along to "Year 3000." Immediately after their last song, we run behind Boscov's in abandon to wait for them at their little caravan. It wasn't all that crowded yet, though there were 15 or so girls who opted to sit out the show in favor of waiting for the boys. The caravan is three black Suburbans and a white security SUV, presumably the mall's. It's just funny being out here. Some girls are holding signs (one, a clever letter using all their song titles and another, "Nick, we'll catch you if you trip!"). The Jonas Brothers finally step outside and immediately up into the middle Suburban with a quick wave. The oldest one is wearing goofy sunglasses. And that was that for the most part.

My first thoughts are these kids are too goofy looking to be swooned over. Whatever, so were Hanson upon their arrival. Kelly G made a good point: the brothers never really acknowledge us warmly or anything. Kelly G says that the Jonases were handed their fame by the Disney Channel whereas Hanson relied on their fans from the get-go. We think eventually the Jonases will end up in the spot Hanson are now: awesome cult-band. I just hope they don't go screwing it up with a Miley/Nick sex-tape and poor Joe succumbing to middle-child syndrome and drug-use. I'm pulling for them.


So that was my yesterday afternoon with Mimi and Kelly, we had a really good time. I felt like the world's best big brother even though I don't feel too much bigger than Mimi.

Lately, I've been really paranoid about something. You know how most secretaries have enormous asses? If you didn't notice, get down to your school's office, quick and look at the overwhelmingly large parasites living on their lower-backs. Well that's probably a product of a lot of sitting down. I do my fair share of sitting down. Am I on my way to an enormous separate entity of an ass? Please ease my fears (or add to them) with your thoughts.

Things are good. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG his name is kevin not jhon