Me: What should I blog about?
Alison: The show, your awesome life
Get ready...
...for the most attractive, innovative and awesome younginz.
Allison and Caitlin are still the only girls for me.
And Miles and Christian are the best Best Friends you could ever count on. That's why. They're counted on.
Justin's singing is so wonderful that I hope he never grows up (his voice cracks at certain points and that's why).
Pirouette were inspiring...
and TOO AWESOME for driving from bumblefuck to play on my back porch and call it a day. Nicest dudes/ette in the world. Their full length is going to make my year.
TV Dinner draws a crowd. I still love Anna! And that other girl in blue, with the short hair... for no reason, I hope she has a crush on me. It'd just be kind of cool. She goes to most of the TV Dinner shows and was really excited to see me at Prom.
Trey is TVD MVP <3. style="font-style: italic;">Raising Arizona, Lost in Translation, Rosemary's Baby.
Later that day, I snapped in study hall. I had actually been having a really great time in the Library with Jon Plush and Chris Burcham who are athletes and also my friends (which, admittedly feels really good. Also: these are really good human beings). I was even having txt convos with Miles, Mimi and Murph (whoa). It was last period so a few minutes before the bell, the world was restless and Father Pileggi asked (nicely, as always) for everyone to push in their chairs. We did but the round table behind us didn't. They were small fuckers, sophomores probably.
"Hey, push in your chairs."
"Push in your chairs!"
"Listen to me, why the hell not? Father asked you to."
"So you can do it."
"I swear to God, so many people in this school lack any semblance of respect and the whole sophomore class fall in with that."
"We're not sophomores! That just proves how retarded you are!"
"Joe, My Friend, calm down."
"Sorry Father."
Am I stupid for opening my mouth and refusing to let this shit stand? I don't think so, but what do you think? I just believe there is so much fucking constant, blatant disrespect from all sorts of faces and it drives me nuts.
There definitely is not enough to write about school this week but Friday night I went to my senior prom.
What you need to know is this: Kara and I looked great. Kara was the best looking girl at the prom. Kara was the most fun anyone could ever hope for (universal acclaim!). Dinner was pretty good. The hotel, it goes without saying, is really nice. We didn't dance in the ballroom. We danced how we dance (which is rhythmically, hand in hand with lots of twirling) in the room with the dessert table and the mingling kids. After Prom defied expectations. I actually won something: XL Temple t-shirt and four Blue Rocks tickets. Kara and I sang four songs karaoke (once again, universal acclaim!) : "What's New, Pussycat?" (we broke down laughing,) "How Bizaare," "Hunger Strike," and "Can't Buy Me Love." I'm not going out on a limb when I say that we had the most fun out of anyone there.
I drove home and thought these things:
I'm not wearing my glasses so everything is in soft focus
We were listening to "All My Friends" (which should be the world's prom song 2008) and, yeah Charlie, I guess I felt infinite but what does that even mean in the first place you prick?
"Every time I blink I hear the deafening crunch and the edge-of-death screams, look over and see the blood --Kirk Road, Old Kennett, the elementary school for the handicapped..."
Allison starts a new life for the summer tomorrow! She is awesome, she is going to thrive, she is going to leave before it makes her cold, she does what she wants. Good luck my frienddddddddd.
"and, yeah Charlie, I guess I felt infinite but what does that even mean in the first place you prick?"
I LOLed to myself.
^ me too
joe, holler from new york cityyyy!!
thank you for the beautiful shout out, u r da best.
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