Everyone knows what this is so I won't even bother to mention it by name. But I will mention that: I have three or four or five articles due for the last issue of the paper, I have Probability notes left un-taken, enormous stretches of Spunk and Bite left unread, Government tests to be made up, books to be bought for the Novel [but come to think of it, I haven't bought a book for that class since Slaughterhouse-Five. Now that we're on the subject, this is what we've read since: Perks of Being a Wallflower, On a Pale Horse (the man who murdered death!!!), Marine Sniper (no need explain), Third and Indiana (incredibly plain. Might be an attempt to illustrate a point about life in Northeast Philadelphia, but still: Mr. L knows nothing about the greatest city in the union and it sucks to hear him try to talk about it), The Alchemist (absolutely elementary. "Find your destiny!")], a website to design, another website to design (outside of school)... with eight days of school left, on top of a job that I hate more each day, a social life that remains miraculously consistent and a band that I love to rehearse with.
I'm busy doing nothing. This summer is polar: work (a lot. Maybe even another job, to occupy me in the mornings between 8 and 1 or 9 and 1, employer's preference. Options: gluten-free bakery, township building... cutting lawns? Should I put myself out there and cut lawns? I wish I could babysit... Girls are lucky.), graduation (6/6), grad party (6/14), North Carolina (6/16/-23), Chicago/Pitchfork Fest (7/17-21), orientation (7/24-25), North Carolina Mk. II (7/26-8/8)... And all the money I've saved up since the two break ups (with a girl and a debit card) probably will not last into the fall... "Do we only need to keep working because it pays rent?"
I love MTV's the Paper. Like Current TV, I find that this show glues me to my chair and even during commercial breaks, I don't get up to instant message, grab ice cream or water, adjust, grab a blanket, do laundry... I just sit. Never do I want to miss one second of Amanda Lorber's sincere power grabbing and the truly infuriating, base, vexatious and wholly awful people that stand in her way. Mrs. Weiss elected Amanda -in-chief! Like, what are you going to do? Trevor, your immature pouting about what a bitch/idiot you think Amanda is for speaking eloquently doesn't make your snooty girlfriend Gianna any prettier. Gianna, what purpose do you serve, exactly?
I'm actually online reading the Circuit instead of watching what unfolds before it's sent to print. It's kind of surreal. I'm reading this column Lorber wrote about going to college undeclared. It's hard to believe it actually exists. It does, here: http://www.cypressbaycircuit.com/. Granted, I'm only into two minutes of reading it but it's pretty solid. Though, its 39 pages, while totally impressive, seem to be loaded with a lot of the second-hand news crap we try to keep out of our paper.
Let's face it: Alex Angert is a really ugly kid and an unintentionally gaudy dresser. But, he reps Philadelphia. But, what the fuck is the deal with that? What is this kid's background? Does he want to go to PSU? Are his parents alum? Is he from the area (Phillies and Fliers caps)?
Message to human race: PLEASE, STOP TANNING. Instead, do something useful with your time and/or money like donating to the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation.
Now, I find it hard to stop listening to the Rolling Stones. If you need a good place to start, please check out Beggars Banquet. For some reason, I think the Stones stir bad feelings and hesitation, but really I felt the same way and they don't bite. But steer clear of anything after Exile on Main Street and I would never go see them live today. I'll wait for a time machine, thx.
My brother in large lips, Mick Jagger.
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