-Me, laying out my cram-plan for tomorrow's A.P. Modern European History Exam to different classmates.
Matt didn't want me to take off work because he's a bitch. Not really, but we call each other that. I was really sleepy when I got home so I just watched CNN with my mom until she got swept away to St. Bartholomew's. Then, I watched my Office re-runs on NBC.com (actually pretty cool!). I studied from 8:35 to 9 listening to the Talking Heads (it was hard to concentrate.) Watched the Office and 30 Rock, both really satisfying. The Office has been going nuts with the "let's make the viewer feel very, very awkward" thing but it adds a phyisical aspect to my normally passive television watching (that is, near-constant cringing and wringing of arms). Back in my room, I picked up my yearbook and read through almost all of my classmates' activities. Why? I don't fucking know.
Everyone went to bed and I moved back downstairs. I've been watching Green Day videos and reading about my once-beloved, obscure emo/screamo bands (the ones pre-negative connotation 0f emo). What I really will do, though, in a few minutes is take the cram packet up to my room and after straightening it up a little, lay down and read up on British financial policies (Disraeli, Gladstone... who was the liberal? Dizzy, I think...). I would write about my spring playlist(s) but, I have to go do that.
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