
Pedal Faster

"We just had the most amazing night of our lives. Being in high school is almost exactly like television but I ask: where are the palm trees? Adam's parents went away for the whole weekend. Kyle got us three handles of Vladimir, a really high-end vodka. By eleven o'clock I was wasted and loved my friends so much. I played ping-pong with an interesting boy from college and my best friend fell asleep on top of a cute upper classman from our rival high school! Everyone was just dancing and engaging in meaningful experiences like throwing up in the snow, smoking weed and leaning on each other's shoulders taking pictures... leaning on each other's shoulders in our lives."
-High School Party Queen

I didn't want to come home and play another "benefit show" at Kennett High School in the fricking auditorium but I did and it turned out to be pretty fun. We played ok. We have a number one fan whose name is N4TH4N and he showed up with his bff DelgadoUno. We totally appreciated that and the hecklers calling for Pavement up front. We also liked how, finally after a lot of prodding, all the children came up on the actual stage to watch Pirouette. I'm so stoked that that band has become fully realized since Brendan and Brendan joined. I'm gonna say that the new EP is a grower. "Pedal Faster" and "Donthatemeifyoudonthaveto" are easily top five in the Pirouette canon (my sister said it best: the best chugga parts.) "Passing the Grass" and "Breezeway Girlfriend" take the usual, mathy, Pirouette formula and warps it: "Grass" has a bizarre chorus warning that "no one can drive a race car on E," and "Girlfriend" has Amanda singing in her operatic soprano. It's pretty fucking awesome actually if a little unsettling at first. The actual recording sounds different than anything Scotty's ever done at Tomato. I guess the instruments sound more fleshed out and the mix is really clear but it still retains that "this was recorded in a basement" feel. He does some interesting things throughout the record like including nearly an episode's worth of Ninja Turtles samples. Realest shit.

Then we rolled up to Kyle Macklin's friend's party. Do I even need to say anymore? Just picture 8 fifteen year old girls not being able to stand up without stumbling across the living room floor and the four of us (Miles, Will, Mimi) loling all the way home. With our handle of Vlad. That was rightfully Will's anyway.

I'm tired of indie party playlist music: MGMT (don't even start,) Of Montreal, Girl Talk, "Daft Punk is Playing at My House." I'm hoping I won't hear any of that tonight at my very first fraternity party (AXP BRO) but chances are everything I hear tonight will have been put through a vocoder before being laid to tape. Until I get back hear and listen to the new Pirouette EP.

Fuck the MGMTs.
Fuck sob stories.
I love my life right now.


Dont Hate Me More Than You Have To - Pirouette


John said...

one day, yuppie dance music will die.

Thrust said...

Why would you put Girl Talk on a playlist in the first place? Nothing can segue into/out of that except for more Girl Talk.

Oh, wait.

miles said...

"live it up, drink it down", the facebook album with meaningful pictures from a meaningful night.