

Hi. I'm now living in 2009. I will be strictly "no bullshit" in 2009. You know how every mother fucker is trying to "reduce his or her carbon footprint?" Well I said fuck that, I'm taking it to a whole new level. I am completely eliminating my bullshit footprint.

I will get drunk and sing along to songs that I don't really know the words to. I will make words up. I think that this is fun. I am having fun. I am being true to myself.

I will not read Pitchfork every day. I especially won't buy the new Animal Collective album.

I will not talk about music like a Pitchfork review.

I'm not going to write a word about music that other people will read until I break the Pitchfork habit.

I will enjoy things for their function as opposed to their form (i.e. fixed gear bikes)

I will learn lots of thing about people.

I will not take myself seriously.

I will go into things with an open mind.

I will still hold grudges against people that I have grudges against; this is who I am.

I won't give into hype.

I will have fun.

I will be fun.

Fun is not putting other people down.

I will be proud of who I am. I will use self-consciousness only as a guise or a device.

How will you reduce your bullshit footprint in '09?
Do you have anything to add to my list of ways I'm going to reduce my bullshit in '09? Let's be honest here, I know I didn't cover everything.


Mike V said...

god, you don't know how late you are on this, man. 2008 was the year of no bullshit as proclaimed by myself at new years 2008. Wow, we're like kindred spirits split by a single year.

I did shout no bullshit in '09 at midnight this year, but people just laughed and said that was last year, bro! So, ehhhh, good luck I guess. I tried!


Annaliese said...

I will still hold grudges against people that I have grudges against; this is who I am.
haha. never say die!

love u joe