
I Hate the Taste of Coffee on Your Breath

My personal favorite (and thus indisputably the best) Los Campesinos! songs are the not-immediately-satisfying-but-eventually-life-affirming and slow-building, more dynamic ones. These are the ones even my sister loves! Rather than throwing the listener in the middle of some break up with a glockenspiel and a wall of guitars, the more dynamic Campesinos! tracks ease into the proceedings. You will get a keyboard. Then, a steady drumbeat. Bass, guitar. Finally, a glock and vox. All so melodic and complementary of one another, like "In Media Res" or "This is how you spell..." At half speed, Gareth sounds less desperate and more likably pleading. "In Media Res"'s opening lyric, "Let's talk about you for a minute..." has been getting lots of attention. I think it's a good fit for one of their most interesting songs. The opener of their most interesting, best, accomplished, whatever album yet. I think Romance is Boring is their best because it's a dynamic album filled with dynamic songs... unlike their (still fucking brilliant) debut which is more like a series of post-breakup slaps in the face.

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