
The Flu Yields Whack Dreams

Every time I'm sick, I have whack dreams. I remember most of them, even from like 13 years ago. That one I'm not going to bother trying to transcribe, but I have the visual locked away in my brain for on demand viewing... it's like, a lite-brite hospital...

Well I'm sick (influenza round three!) and last night was no exception. I dreamed that I met Hutch Harris from the Thermals. There were several photographs taken. I had another dream that Barack Obama drove me to work. He was driving a big black Suburban with tinted windows and I was sitting in the back. He seemed kind of pissed. After a point, we parked the car and rode bikes the rest of the way. He was still in a suit. We got to Kennett, some pavilion that I guess was supposed to be part of Anson B. Nixon park. The Tacks were there, but I didn't see Alex - just his mom and a girl that was apparently his sister. She had blonde hair, sunglasses and was very pretty and personable. Then I dreamed that my family and I were driving around what I guess was Kennett. Taylor was walking down the street and they stopped to talk to her while I was trying to keep myself out of view. Then they invited her in the car much to my fucking chagrin! It was awkward. Well, I was awkward about it, but she was actually kinda cool. We were all on our way to a Built to Spill show? Ok... Then I was at my grandparent's house with my mom, dad, Mimi and my cousin Frankie. My mom and dad left and Mim, Frank and I were trying to get fucked up so we left their house and walked up and down the street looking for people's coolers to see if there was beer in them. We were pretty successful.


Anonymous said...

ah you have the flu? :( what a bummer, but then i seem to remember you saying that you liked being sick ? anyway i hope you feel better soon. soon before next thursday so we can go to that reading!

urs truly, anna

p.s- meeting hutch harris from the thermals, cool!~ also funny obama dream, better than my obama dream

Alex said...

I really wish I had dreams like this.