
What Would Jesus Not Do?

I went to an advance screening of Choke tonight. I used to really like Chuck Palahniuk in, I guess, freshman year. I read all his books and fell for all the twists and was grossed out but in love with the simplicity of the punches he delivered with every self-loathing sentence. I got over it though. "Shock value." You must've heard me say it a thousand times. But anyway, the chance came up for me to go to this screening and I thought why not. The movie was pretty good. I might like it better than the book. But that could just be because I'm a hater. The dialogue was a little forced. Sam Rockwell is good at playing a creep. Kelly Macdonald (sp?) was great as usual. She might've been my favorite part of No Country For Old Men and she's so weird/sexy in Trainspotting. The main beef I have though, with the book and the movie, is the whole choking thing. I could never see myself being compelled to send someone money periodically just because I saved their life. It's kind of typical of Chuck P, these ridiculous situations. Like if my Wilmington apartment blew up, I wouldn't think of calling Tyler Durden and moving in with him at some shitty Paper Street squat. The problem is, all his books rely on something like that. But I digress. I got to ask him a question which was kind of cool. I was sitting right up front. He mentioned that he had optioned all of his books at this point to be adapted into screenplays. Pretty much I wanted to know how he felt about letting them go out to become another person's monster. He's pretty cool about it. So there.

1 comment:

Thrust said...

Call me a selfish cunt, but I'd never send cash off to someone whose life I'd saved. There's a difference between playing "good samaritan" and "benefactor," and they are very, very mutually exclusive in my head.

And yeah, haha, the thing about my parents if forrealz. I spend a lot of time thinking about them now because I feel like spent my whole life up until now taking advantage of them. Lots of guilt.