I took about ten years off my face just a little while ago. But the chest... well, that's some other beast entirely.
I called Chris Dawson. He lives at 1300 and rides this hot, shiny Bianchi Pista fixed gear. I want to copy him. But I'm going to do it over winter break and paint the frame so he doesn't really know. I hope we start riding together once a week. We did last week and I guess tomorrow we're off to Old City so I can get my record fix. I'm going to have the balls to ask if they are hiring anythime soon. I know this.
Saturday, after I bore witness to what Scotty Leitch himself proclaimed as the best Pirouette show ever, we went over to his brother Anth's cramped studio apartment. I guess his girlfriend is a total bitch. After about eight of us sat down on the floor of the living area, she got kind of mad. But then, Anth and Scotty played Archers of Loaf's "Greatest of All Time." It was beautiful. I guess it's kind of Anth's story. I hope he keeps his shit together and keeps making records. About A Million is probably the most well-written music of anyone I've ever known and Spit on a Stranger should be no different. Plus, they're named after the best Pavement song. Or maybe the one that relates most to me. Have a listen:
I'm suddenly compelled to tell you about Arthur. I met Arthur on the train to Haverford for that Titus show a week+ ago. He has an Elliott Smith XO tattoo on his hand. According to him, I'm only the second person to ever guess that. Then, Friday night I saw him at the Mogwai show (fucking loud and awesome by the way.) He was really there to see Fuck Buttons. The week before we was really just there to see openers Crystal Stilts. Arthur likes openers and is a cool guy. I hope I encounter him again... Mimi, you'd probably really like him. Oh and Mimi, before I forget again, Aaron Smuts (fave proffesor status omg omg) is like the Northeast's answer to Brian Walters.
1 comment:
joey this song is so good. i hope, someday, even for just a minute, i can play in a band named after this song. i probably would really like arthur. elliott smith tattoo? so hot.
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