June, you're a lifesaver. I thought if I spent anymore time in that single-sex day to day drudgery they called my high school, I would off myself. Sure, there were some aspects of it that were redeeming but I'm so done with talking about them. I graduated. It's over. You brought me full-time work (again) which was fun; Matt and Sara are totally bearable. Special shout-out to September for taking care of Bill. Bill, fuck you. Anyway, then there was the grad party which was a success for a few reasons. I got a lot of money, I guess that's cool. But more than that I realized once again what an amazing, huge and amazingly huge and loving family I have. I guess I've done well when it comes to being surrounded by good people. That was proved further the following week when you took my closest friends and myself camping. We didn't drive each other crazy and the heat was bearable. There were some excellent people that decided to camp too... stereotype-defying West Virginians and a teacher that helped Alex fulfill a (n illegal) dream.
July, thanks for keeping me occupied more than anything. Oh, and the hot weather! Shit rules. You made seeing No Age perfect. If it hadn't been so hot as to compel me to take my shirt off, well... I don't think I would have become the center of attention like I did. It was great. Then, Chicago, wow... What a great place to be in the middle of the fucking summer. You made the lake rival the Atlantic Ocean. Pitchfork was a blast, also. It's marvelous how everyone's tour schedule worked out so that the best bands ended up in Chicago during the same July weekend. I'm kinda sorry I decided to schedule my orientation on your way out... I had someone I needed to say more goodbyes to. Then you whisked me off to North Carolina which was great as usual but it was kinda premature. Lots of unfinished business this summer, not enough time. But I'm thankful for what I got in...
August. Like I said North Carolina was great but I had places to be which isn't usually the case. Last hurrahs with my best friends, the best friends. We made a hit record. You inspired me to be something more, to go outside and savor the summer air (+ leaves, humidity, freedom...,) to not use so many bar chords and to write an actual chorus, to stick to a book, to go to as many shows as I wanted to in the course of a week. Your soundtrack was Titus Andronicus and I couldn't think of anything more perfect; simultaneously, it was anguished, frantic, happy to the point of tears admidst a world so FUCKED. School? Click tracks? Moving away? Being too nice to people? I can't take it sometimes. This world is so fucked and summer is all I have. I mean there's always friends and good times but usually they have to be confined within a schedule, within a weekend, within cliques... You took all that away. You made everything perfect in 2008, thanks a lot, I'll miss you.