Work I was still a zombie... in a food coma... in a grimy white t-shirt... with chest hair.
I'm reading the Fountainhead again and it's all starting to make sense. Ayn Rand is even more overt the second time around if you can believe it! If you know what I'm talking about. I find myself agreeing... then disagreeing... then being creeped out by Dominique Francon's inability to get off with anyone who treats her like a human.
So like I was planning all week, I went to the hockey game. Semi-finals against West Chester East, you know what's good. Somehow I became friends with a few guys on the team this year like Wes Bonnell... chief contender for coolest kid of the year. We lost but not really because we won every fight (there were lots) and all their goals were scored on power plays. There was almost a Soc's vs. Greasers type rumble in the parking lot. Some kid from East was about to come at one of us (should I say us? I was kind of in the back of the crowd, worrying about my camera in the event of shit popping off) until his mom held him back and told us to fuck off. It was pretty funny. I found myself yelling "Don't let your mom fight all your battles for ya!" I guess I'm cool... Anyway, I wish I had written this earlier. I'm back in zombie mode. Sorry.
"Number 11, don't get up you fucking pussy!" We, myself included, become animals.
Wes Bonnell, a.k.a number 17, a.k.a my hero really fucks shit up on the ice. Thoroughly impressed.
Somewhere in the bottom right of the rink is a fight. Why else would we risk breaking plexiglass in complete defiance of stressed out hockey moms?
"Yoo-ooh Swah-low!" Our cheers, crude, serve as a flag to unite under and are a perfect example of how we display our gentlemanly conditioning in public.
Hornstar, trying to coach an out of control team.
Wes Bonnell fucks shit up one last time before being taken out of the game. Penalized. Why? Overwhelming coolness.
After all of the rumbling, there was stumbling... upon my cousin Sean of course! So good to see Seany, we always have a great time.
Lack of sleep,
I was kind of in the back of the crowd, worrying about my camera in the event of shit popping off
haha, funny joe
your lack of interesting stories at the time is totally forgivable by your awesome blogpost about the gentlemanly hockey game
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