
I am a false prophet!

I saw There Will Be Blood last night with dad. Like Pat Keenan said, it's going to linger for a week or so, so if anyone wants to discuss it, I'm your man. I liked it a whole lot. So that makes 3/5 of the Oscar nominees seen by moi (and Anna actually) and my consensus is: No Country For Old Men is my (close) favorite out of the three because I really like the little things Joel and Ethan Coen do... plus, Javier Bardem was absolutely, thrillingly sick in the fucking head. I don't think it should win best picture though, because like a lot of critics said, it lacks any subtlety. It "blows a whole through your fucking head" to paraphrase one critic or something. There Will Be Blood and Juno are too different to even begin to compare, so I won't bother, but Daniel Day-Lewis should and will win best actor... I thought he was on the fence, morally. It could easily nab best picture too because Paul Thomas Anderson is subtlety. But I'm pushing for Juno. It's not as much as long a shot as (sorry if the comparison makes you sick) Little Miss Sunshine so I feel it has a chance. Also, I don't know if it's just the fact that I am a quick-witted and conversational teenager, but I felt (like Back to Black and Graduation at the Grammy's) it's the picture that best speaks for the times. Because, really, what about our youth anymore?

This afternoon was like, awesome for a Thursday. Matt Foulk's new idea (check out his blog) is to make Thursdays more like Friday, so what he did was hang around the TV Dinner rehearsal and made for awesome company. He timed our set and gave us healthy criticism. He is friendly. TV Dinner sounds way better than three weeks ago in my opinion. I think we're playing about 10 songs tomorrow in the library of Kennett High School sometime around 8 following the beginning of general festivities around 7. We're laying all of them and then some down to four track on Monday if I still have ambition. Tonight Mimi and I ate pizza and watched My Date With The President's Daughter. Will Friedle. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha my god, was that on disney? and i missed it!