First though, Christmas was nice, we had the family over and all of that. My cool cousin Morgan was here and it's neat to talk to him about all the shows he went to in Chicago. You just have to talk to him.
We got to the oral surgeon on time, I guess. The nurse came out and I pretended I wasn't Joe Gallagher which worked for about one second. I asked if my mom could come with me and she said that the room was too small. She started walking toward the back area whatever and I trailed behind, very very slowly. "I don't want to go in yet." I nervously put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. When I did walk in, I washed my mouth out with some stuff and made them tell me what was gonna go down. Then I was like, no I don't want to lay down yet. Then I did and they put the mask on me and I took it off and made them let my mom come in. She did and I started to cry. A few minutes later, I laid back down. They put the mask back on and I tried to relax. The surgeon came in and was telling me he was going to put an I.V. in. "Have you seen Trainspotting?" I asked, haha. He tied my arm off. Uncomfortable. He put it in, holy shit it didn't feel like anything. I still hate the fucking idea of it and I still fucking hate needles. So i think that was that. Until I woke up later to this beeping noise. I had one of those things on my finger and I took it off until the beeping became one long tone and a nurse came over and whined that I had to keep it on, it was measuring my heart-rate. Another came over and started to get me ready to leave. I gave her a high-five. Her name was Rebecca, I think. She walked me out to the lobby to meet my mom, then out to the car where I gave Rebecca a hug.
The rest of my afternoon consisted of:
Bloody rolls of gauze
Vanilla ice cream
Half-finished cups of water
Several naps
I <3 Huckabees
Lost in Translation
Dawson's Creek
Elliott Smith, that new Autumn de Wilde book.
This sucks.
To be honest I'm pissed at all the people that are seeing Juno before me. I'm pretty sure I was the first person I know to hype that shit up. Whatever, it's cool, I'm gonna find my Vicodin now.
wisdom teeth suck. dry bloody tongue? pees on yo head? well...i saw juno last night...
get well soon
haha those pictures are great
did rebecca by any chance have reeeally long black hair? because i totally remember her, her being really nice and helpful
i'm seeing juno tonight.
Sorry about yer teeth, Joe.
- Alex
That sucks man.
I hope you feel better.
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