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It's December 31st 2007 here but it's already 2008 in cool places like New Zealand, Cambodia, Myanmar, the United Kingdom and the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I think the new year is the weirdest thing. I always feel like, with the large group of family I usually gather with, we are going on some kind of journey that we are to never return from. But at midnight, the world doesn't end or anything and, like a million people have said before me, nothing changes at all. 2008 is going to be huge though. I'm probably going to lots of things like graduate, go to college, work jobs, get into the car accident I know is waiting for me around every corner. Hopefully I'll build some really great relationships and retain the ones I already have going. I don't expect to find myself or anything. Oh, I'm turning 18 and I'm scared for that. I don't like the looks of adulthood. So hopefully between now and April 16 I can do lots of young things. But maybe like some other people have said, nothing will change at all. I learned a lot this year, I don't see why it has to end. The learning doesn't have to stop I guess.
BUT: recent news...
There was a complication with my maxillofacial surgery. I developed what's called a dry socket, something really fun and exciting and it will make you feel delicious. It happens when the bloodclot from what was once your tooth falls out prematurely, leaving your jawbone exposed. Your jawbone becomes inflamed. What they had to do is squirt the hole with water and fill it with this ribbon soaked in medicine. So that's what happened! It's really kind of cool and the procedure was way easier than getting my third molar removed.
I am reading What is the What. I have been for awhile, but now I'm actually into it and it's really interesting. I eat up Dave Eggers. You can totally tell where he injected his own Eggernocity. He rules.
I've always loved Catherine Keener, but last night when I was watching Being John Malkovich I was just like, oh man let me in that. Kind of.
Anna and I saw Juno Friday. The soundtrack was awesome and the story was great. I'm trying to see it again though because my PK'd mind wasn't totally there. Anna is a very cool person.
sorry about your teeth...i hope it gets better soon, nothing is more sucky and distracting then your mouth being in pain!
best wishes,
liz is awesome.
catherine keener!
you totally have a thing for older women, hello diane keaton and isabelle huppert.
i got my wisdom teeth removed the summer after freshman year it wasnt too bad for me cept i had an allergic reaction to the codine they gave me for pain so basically all i had was ibprofen.
i read your later blog and i'm glad to see your doing better!
cya next week at that terrible place.
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