
Made up stupid nonsense words humans become attached to and use ad nauseam

I am pro-"meep"-ban. I fucking hate shit like "meep," some stupid onomatopoeia or idiom or colloquialism that enters the lexicon at the bottom of the popu-pyriamid, with like, band geeks or videogame nerds and then rises, meme-like, to the top, until a school principal gets to the point where they must institute a ban on the word. This isn't a first amendment issue. It's merely a ban on fucking nonsense. If I had any power, I also would not hesitate to stomp this shit out like a foot to cigarette butt for the sake of myself and my staff. SEE ALSO: FAIL AS NOUN

Story about "meep" ban: http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/BO129435/

1 comment:

Nick said...

This is a big problem for furries. You have no idea, the memes and the inane, stupid shit that gets recycled for months. if i see "murr" used non-ironically one more time, i'm going to blow a valve