
Summer To-Do List, v.1.0

Cover awesome songs with one or more bands. 4 Non Blonde's "What's Up," Piebald's "King of the Road" with lyrics changed to be about my friends, "Roadrunner" with Kennett-related lyrics, "No Fun," etc.

Convince Failed Attempts at Facial Hair to play a full band set somewhere.

If Fest Chester actually happens, redefine frontman while leading a group of confused and susceptible musicians to local, single show infamy.

Have meaningful experiences while listening to: An Emo Diaries comp, Orange Rhyming Dictionary, This is Happening, another Spraynard all-nighter, etc.

Cook more, cook better.

Make my way to East Fairmount Park or equivalent around sunset any evening I can.

Fight loneliness with loud music, books, writing and, duh, other peeps.

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