
Wise words in today's AV Club/Valentine's Day

"I hate Woodstock. There is the birth of one of the most destructive myths shoved down the throats of Generations X and Y ever, that this thing that happened in 1969 is the best thing that ever happened in pop music and nothing you’ll ever experience in your lives, pathetic young ones, is ever going to be as good." - Jim DeRogatis

DeRogatis was talking to the AV Club today about the 11 worst rock movies and hit some good points when talking about Wooodstock. I have to agree. The same "music fans" that Christian and I have always maligned for "liking everything, dude" are the ones who go crazy for the Woodstock myth.

Valentine's Day with Miles, Kara and Mimi was a blast. We went to Pizza by Elizabeth's (which I hadn't been to in at least three years) for dinner. I was initially really turned off by that idea. I don't like how they elevate pizza on a gourmet pedestal. Anyone that knows me knows that I love pizza. Actually, anyone between the ages of 16-22 that would ever want to deal with me loves pizza as well. But I don't like when someone takes pizza out of the hands of the common man and makes it 9.25-11 dollars for an 8-inch pie. You can get a slice of pizza that's 8-inches wide and 12-inches long at Lorenzo's for 3 bucks. I balk at the prices at Elizabeth's but the flavor delivers despite leaving an enormous hole in my belly and pocket. I hope their claimed use of locally sourced ingredients is true.

Then we saw Valentine's Day. Ha. I loved Mimi's optimism: "There are so many good people in it! How could it be bad?" Topher Grace makes her swoon. It was an optimism I missed, spending time with so many jaded film majors (and becoming a jaded, amateur film dork myself.) Mimi and I do have a habit of enjoying terrible movies together like Twilight and we were supposed to go see Dear John last week but she couldn't wait for me. Out of a BOUQUET of plots, Topher and (weirdly) Anne Hathway's was the most enjoyable. She's a (SPOILER!!) phone sex operator and Topher freaks out but then gets over it because that's actually a really funny occupation for someone you are dating to have. There was a lot of really tactless gags, obviously thrown in at the last minute punch up the script. A mentally challenged girl in a wheel chair babbling about Ashton Kutcher running barefoot through the airport was definitely uncalled for. Not to get all Gabe Delahaye PC on you, it was just so unnecessary and something I wouldn't expect to see in even an Adam Sandler movie. And also not like I want to give this movie too much credit. Oh, shame on you, Valentine's Day! I expected so much more from you, Garry Marshall, creator of Pretty Woman, Raising Helen, and Georgia Rule! The movie left us all in a really good mood. I guess that was the ultimate goal.

Miles and I also might as well have burned the three dollars we spent on the arcade game, Tokyo Cop.

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