
Phillies World Series

Only three games in World Series have been called a tie before the ninth inning: in 1907, 1912 and 1922... due to darkness. Holy shit.

Um, luckily Monday night wasn't called a tie in the midst of the shittiest fucking rain storm of my life. Things at 7th and Pattison were pretty hunky dory until it started. Just a lot of people drinking beer and watching analog television. But as soon as the rain (nearly horifuckingzontal) started, it was like the last few scenes of Children of Men when they're in the refugee camp; fights, people throwing bottles at cars, awful drunk girls. We rolled before the end of the fifth. I was soaked, hadn't been inside for hours and was incredibly nervous for whatever the conclusion would bring.

Lester Bangs-style coverage written for my grandkids coming later today...

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